Do you know if you are getting the most out of your sales operation?
Does your sales plan meet your business goals?
What areas in sales could you change to increase your profits?
Are you looking to change your sales strategy/plan?
Your sales process is just like a factory, every factor have very clear processes, machines specifically purchased for that part of the process and different machine for a different process, you train your factory staff to work to exact processes the same way every time, you measure the output at each part of the factory process. We know that if a machine is not working properly or the machine minder changes and used work in another factory but hasn’t used your machines before, your product may not get the correct finished product you designed
How will the review take place – Zoom meeting to understand your business and written report with key actions based on Red Amber Green (RAG) with top tips on what changes you can make. If required, we can provide a service to help you make the changes in your sales business
What do I get – a report on Red Amber Green (RAG) for the 9 key stages of sales and the factors that affect your efforts, such as competition, your own internal culture and behaviour. Take those changes in the report and some top tips on how to increase your profits.
Standard Sales Health Check
£250* + vat C2S members receive 20% discount.
*for SME businesses, we reserve the right to agree higher charges for larger company’s
Contact Us
If you would like to improve your sales and therefore increase your profits, call or email us for an initial chat. It won’t cost you anything, but could make you a lot money.