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If you fancy a initial chat about what could be achieved, no cost apart from an hour of your time and a cup of tea….
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on 07768 400400 to book a meeting, that could change your business very quickly
4th Floor
St James House, St James Square Cheltenham, GL50 3PR

Frequently Asked Questions
How long will the process take to get results?
because every business is different, there are no standard timings. You can see some results in the first few weeks, it will really depend on what the issues are.
How do salespeople react when we start working with you?
Good question, without clear communication, your staff in all departments, especially the sales team, will wonder what is happening and why do you have external people coming into the business.
It is important you communicate what you are doing and why. We will work with you to ensure you have the right messages for all your teams and we work sympathetically with the sales people to help make the project of improving sales is successful.
What is you best tip for managing salespeople?
The normal response I hear is, well they are paid enough and know what to do, so what do I need to do?
There is a lot that can be done simply to help manage and improve sales people performance. All sales people appreciate feedback and coaching to help them do their job, make sure your managers are regularly giving constructive feedback and coaching them on ways to improve the way they work.
A favorite phrases that I use to improve productivity is, a sales person will typically only do what you inspect, not what you expect them to do.